mozCellML 0.3rc3 (Feb 10, 2006)

A bugfix release on top of mozCellML 0.3rc2.

For additional information about this project, please visit the overview page .

Available downloads

mozCellML XPI for Win32

For Windows (9.0 MB)

mozCellML source

For all platforms (3.0 MB)

Release Notes

Tested with Firefox 1.5, Firefox
State Final release
License MPL
Release Manager Andrew Miller
Released 2006/02/10 00:00:00 GMT+13

1) Points now appear on the graph as they come in, with automatic rescaling of the graph.
2) Much improved stability on Win32.
3) All textboxes are now of the correct size for the fonts they contain on all platforms.
4) Loading a model via a mozcellml: URL will now always add it to the workspace, even when the load triggers a new window opening.
5) Some per-model state which was never being serialised now is.
6) Numerous memory leaks and other problems have been corrected.
7) Now works with Firefox