Categories for 'card sort'

As discussed in meeting, Monday 2008-07-14

Present: Dougal Cowan, James Lawson, Tommy Yu, Gareth de Walters, Poul Nielsen, Catherine Lloyd

Major categories under which to sort content of

Model Repository




  • i.e. working groups, profiles for CellML teams, pages discussing related projects etc.

Help / Documentation

  • including FAQs, tutorials, anything that discusses the

Minor categories:

News / Events

About CellML




N.B.  The major categories were unanimously agreed upon - the 'minor' two were also discussed. 'Legal' information may also be good to separate into its own category, but is not 'primary content.'

Also discussed

  • Tommy mentioned that he has been investigating the idea of hosting the model repository in a subdomain such as - a redirect from could be implemented to reduce the impact of changing the path
  • Organisation of content by tagging was discussed - this would take some time to organise and may require a higher level of maintenance, but would allow much more intuitive organisation and navigation of information
  • The different groups of user we can expect to visit we discussed:
    • presents information targeted at three groups: 'curious,' 'users' and 'developers' (primarily of software)
    • This framework would also be relevant for with the exception that we also host a repository of models
    • Therefore, another framework to consider could be: 'curious,' 'users' (of models and software,) 'developers of models,' 'developers of software'