ABI CellML Meeting Minutes, 29th February 2012

Present: Randall Britten, Andrew Miller, Alan Garny, Tommy Yu, Dougal Cowan


1) CellML website front page


  • Dougal: CellML editorial board has specified some content that needs updating on the website.

2) CellML API - update


  • Andrew: Documentation


  • Randall: tutorials?
  • Alan: File manager - Andrew explained that the API has support for this.
  • Alan: it would be good to have a tutorial to explain setting up code generation for a new language.
  • Alan: could document progress with API, but lacking time.

Action item 1: Tommy - speak to Adam Reeve about Github hooks to bugzilla.

  • Randall: Richard Christie encourages upfront (planning) discussion on the tracker.
  • Andrew: would be good to try to put things from OpenCOR into the API, eg. LLVM.
  • Alan: time constraints from Bernard won't allow this.
  • Alan: issues with unit checking in the API need to be fixed or replaced with Jonathan Cooper's code.
  • Andrew: need concrete test cases.
  • Alan: COR has test suite available with CellML files etc.

3) CellML core specs - update

  • No update.

4) PMR2 development - update


  • Tommy: Talked with Harald about the updated API on the staging instance, with fixed MATLAB code generation.


  • Tommy: Andre wants DOI support.
  • Randall: Next work should probably be on large file support, rather than adding to the citation features. Citation/model separation needs to be completed.
  • Tommy: PMR2 version of Mercurial library needs to be updated to provide large file support.


  • There was a discussion about large file support in Mercurial/PMR2.

5) Repository contributions - update


  • Dougal: Qutub group contacted about pushing MATLAB version of model to repository.

6) CellML uncertainty


  • Andrew: paper is going through submission process.