Meeting Minutes 12 September 2007

Present: James Lawson, Randall Britten, Poul Nielsen, Sarala Dissanayake, Andrew Miller, Tommy Yu (speakerphone), Matt Halstead (speakerphone)

  • Action items from last week were reviewed:

    • Action Item 2007-09-05-1: Components re-imported more than once. Now on the agenda for this week.

    • Action Item 2007-09-05-2: Andrew created a tracker item for the errata on units missing exponents.

    • Action Item 2007-09-05-3: Tommy has now put the example models on the Plone website.

    • Action Item 2007-09-05-4: Andrew has checked and noted that Bugzilla already does put the priority in the mail headers, so no further action needed. James has managed to filter mails using this.

    • Action Item 2007-09-05-5: Randall has not yet mailed the list about how tracker items can be sent to the mailing list because he is waiting for the final URL for the tracker. He opened tracker item 159 on this.

    • Action Item 2007-09-05-6: This set an ongoing policy about when models are marked as working in PCEnv which doesn't need follow-up.

    • Action Item 2007-09-05-7: Tommy has not yet put updated the site to use CCGS because of a message to the team list from Matt suggesting that CCGS not be included in the site-tools build-out but instead be a separate service. This sparked extensive discussion of whether this was a good idea. There was no consensus on the best approach, but for now, Matt has configured site_tools so it doesn't need the CCGS but it will add the code generation tab if it is present. It was also agreed that despite this, there is still a need to update the site and it is appropriate for Tommy to update the CCGS with help from Andrew if required. Tommy is coming back to Auckland soon after being away for a week.

      • New Action Item 1: Randall will arrange a meeting with the concerned parties about the CCGS.

  • Agenda Item 1: Semantics of importing the same component twice

    • After some discussion, Poul said that his intention was that the same component could not be imported twice, and believes that perhaps it is just a case of clarifying the wording of the specification.

    • The semantics regarding connections between sibling components was discussed. Everyone at the meeting is happy with Andrew's proposed semantics that connections between two imported components from the same model will be imported too, and that it would be invalid for any import of component to conflict with another component import in the same model either directly by being the same component or indirectly because one of the components is related by encapsulation to the other.

    • Everyone at the meeting was in agreement, but there is a need to check that the rest of the community is also in agreement.

    • Action Item 2: Andrew will write up what was discussed at the meeting and send it to the CellML discussion mailing list.

  • Agenda Item 2: Stale pages on the website and how to avoid them in the future.

    • Randall suggested that pages have a 'review before' date on them and someone has to review the pages before then.

    • Matt thinks we need to have a clear owner of each page / section who will review pages to ensure they are still up to date.

    • There was some discussion of the technical means to achieve this. Andrew thinks that we will need some sort of solution that records when reviews are due and sends mail to the appropriate person if content hasn't been reviewed for too long.

    • Poul suggested the site-map be annotated with last-reviewed date. Matt thinks this should be easy to implement.

    • Matt noted that he will probably see each page at least once in the process of migrating to the new site.

    • Matt also noted that he was attempting to separate the code base cleanly into two parts - the repository, which he proposed Tommy maintain, and the rest of the Plone site, which he proposed that he maintain. Any decision on this will depend on getting IT's buy-in to allow Matt to deploy Plone product updates onto the site.

    • Action item 3: Randall will discuss the process for the deployment of product changes with Gareth.

    • Action Item 4: Randall will look into how much work is required to review the rest of the site so it can be split up amongst the appropriate people.

  • Agenda items 3-7 from Andre are all issues which have already been discussed on the mailing list and are seeking status updates. As the meeting was already past the allocated time and Poul had to leave, they were deferred until next week. The items were:

    • CellML 1.1.1 specification proposal: where is it at, who is leading the effort, what is the time frame for getting it out? CellML 1.2?

    • CellML model repository development: where are things at and what are we hoping to achieve? Maybe linked to model workspaces?

    • plans for improving community involvement in the CellML project outside of Auckland.

    • a description on on the role and scope of the Auckland CellML meetings.

    • discussion on the use of voting in association with bugzilla issues.

  • Agenda item 8 was from Peter about snapshots which didn't work. The reason people are trying to use snapshots is most likely because they need features which are not in the release. We decided on 3 month release policies, and so Randall thinks we are about due for a release. Andrew suggested that we do this as soon as the new developer arrives. It is not clear why Peter is having problems with 0.2.

    • Action item 5: Randall to move agenda items 3-8 from this week on to next week's agenda.