Meeting minutes, 11th of July 2007

Present: Sarala Dissanayake, Catherine Lloyd, Randall Britten, James Lawson, Andrew Miller, Matt Halstead (speakerphone) Apologies: Poul Nielsen

  • The discussion deferred from last week about e-mail addresses was summarised, and we decided to defer it until both Peter and Poul were back and able to comment on it.

  • James has been fixing more models. He is also preparing to produce a list of all models detailing what has been done to them what needs to be done on them in a form which can be published on the wiki.

  • Andrew has been making more progress on the refactored CCGS. The implementation has been written, but still needs to be debugged. There was also a discussion about how we will test it. Andrew thinks that we should both write unit tests and develop a range of CellML models to be run through to test the functionality. The decision was that he should do enough work to be confident that it works, but not necessarily achieve full coverage of the code just yet.

  • Andrew has also got the tracker set up. The decision was to make the public URL temporarily until can be allocated.

  • Sarala has been working on using CellML imports in her work.

  • Catherine has been coding up more models.

  • Randall has been looking at models from Catherine and James to see if he can help to translate the mathematics into CellML.

  • James has been interested in getting hold of the database of CellML annotations that was created by Mikey. Matt says that it is in his triples format in his database. Andrew suggested that James might be able to annotate new models so we don't have gap in the data. Matt thinks that if this would mean that time is saved by annotating the models while James is familiar with them, this would benefit. He also suggested that James update any annotations, as he is more familiar with biochemistry then Mikey. It will be very quick for Matt to get a list of terms in a pretty-print format, but more involved to get RDF out of the database, so for now he will just produce an existing list of terms. Matt also suggested that James talk to Sarala to see if BioPaX annotations of new models would be a possibility.

  • The group decided not to change the current decision on using Bugzilla as the tracker, because it is too late.

  • Matt briefly discussed the efforts to collect use cases to contemplate in the design of the new repository. Matt thinks that together with Andre he can be the 'gardener' of the wiki, but he thinks it would require more time than he and Andre could put in to come up with the use cases by themselves. Matt also mentioned that the 'General Contents'

  • Randall noted that the wiki page was fairly inadequate as it was losing history every time the database was packed. Andrew suggested that perhaps we could use Subversion instead. Matt thinks that we need a web interface to Subversion before that will be usable. Matt suggested that perhaps we could use Trac for this.