Meeting Minutes 24th July 2006

Meeting Minutes 24th July 2006
Present: Poul Nielsen, Sarala Dissanayake, Poul Nielsen, Shane Blackett, Andrew Miller, Peter Hunter

The IESG will vote on the application/cellml+xml draft up to their meeting on August 8th.

Has got the patch allowing sliders to collapse both ways committed into the Mozilla trunk. Still need the nsIVariant fix to be committed before PCEnv can be used off an unmodified XULRunner production build.

Also made some progress on the Physiome CellML Environment, showing the tree view of the model. The plan is to show the entire view, and then add filtering capabilities to allow only the Components and Variables to be seen if this is desired.

Has been using mozCmgui, and has had some correspondence with a VPAC user about problems with it on Fedora Core. He will be testing it on the Fedora Core in the labs at some point. He also might make a Win32 build soon. He is going to SIGGRAPH next week in Boston.

Sarala: Has made new diagrams incorporating Peter's feedback. There was some discussion of the notation used. Peter felt that the use of grouping in the layout significantly improved the diagram. There was some discussion about the symbols that could be used for reactions etc... (Sarala was unhappy with using an arrow, which implied directionality).

Peter: Tommy Yu is starting at the institute as of today, and will work for two months on the model repository. He will be working next to Andrew for the time being.

Andre has said he will look at why the output of the Content to Presentation MathML XSL transform doesn't render correctly in MathPlayer for IE. Carey has said he will look at getting more of the models into the new repository. This include Andre's improved Noble model encodings, and the work done by Penny Noble.

Peter has discussed the future development of COR with Alan Garny at Oxford. He is not yet convinced about using XUL because of lack of tools, although Peter has referred him to for more information.

Next week, most people are away at various conferences, so there will probably be no meeting.