Meeting Minutes 5 July 2005

Meeting Present: Poul Nielsen, Carey Stevens, Andrew Miller, David Nickerson, Peter Villager, Matt Halstead, Mike Cooling, Sarala Dissanayake, Edmond Crampin, Shane Blackett

Andrew: Improved plotting in mozCellml (batching points in a time sequence).
             Almost got mozcellml working under windows, but harddisk has failed.
                 IT support estimate it will take a few days to get new disk and rebuild system.
             Must return to MSVC 6.0 to resolve some compatibility with mozilla problems.

Matt: nothing to report.

Edmond: nothing

Mike: Suggestions for mozcellml, that Andrew is working on.

Sarala: Holiday.

Carey: New website up, developer stuff todo

Andre: nothing

Shane: nothing

Peter: Having problems with mozcellml and equations with differentials on both sides.
         We don't really want to add symbolic manipulations to mozcellml. Some resolution

Poul: Looking at typing for cellml. Reviewing the mathml structured types recomendation.
        Seems like adopting somethiing that could be OK. Downside is that the typing information is in the mathematics
        not in the interface. Much discusion...