Meeting Minutes 14 June 2005

Meeting Present: Poul Nielsen, Shane Blackett, Carey Stevens, Andrew Miller, David Nickerson, Peter Villager, Matt Halstead, Mike Cooling, Sarala Dissanayake

General:  Kevin Burrage has been visiting.  Kevin has offered access to their discrete simulation codes for use in mozcellML. Some discussion on how to use it. More research needed.

Poul: FieldML has been resurrected. Met with Shane.

Andrew: Still working on Windows mozcellml. Needs a change to cmgui, prepared 2 patches for Shane to commit.  Might be ready on Saturday...

Mike: playing with imports. Still got problems with different formulations of the same problem giving different results. Andrew to look at.

Peter: Playing with Inkscape to draw up diagrams of the repository models.

Shane: FieldML meeting. Layed down the ground rules.

Andre: Nothing

Carey: All agreed that dev site can go live. Will make it so.

Sarala: Working on thesis proposal.

Matt: still working on cellml CMF tye. Some issues with RDF libs, plone and zope versions.