
Original Status: PCEnv Error: Error: Model is underconstrained.

Work done on model:

Half of model built. Components and math defined. Units and initial values of variables not defined, no connections. Mathematica code obtained from James Ferrel. All rate values: ai, di and ki (for 1<= i >=10 ) missing from paper. Hopefully will be included in code. Need Mathematica. 25/05/07. Look at Nicholas Le Novere's curated model for values. | Rebuilt model. Conservation equations couldn't be implemented - caused model to be overconstrained. Therefore some of the output goes on forever, which shouldn't happen. Model runs and works, so uploaded as version 02. I think output is okay. Used parameters from biomodels model. Rate parameters were dimensionless since enzymes are operating at/near saturation >> 'zero order ultrasensitivity.' This may not be correct, but biomodels used dimensionless as well. - 29/06/07


Model finished, using Mathematica code as base, all connections added, equations double checked.

Curation status:

Model is looking much better than before recoding, but some variabes are simply not producing the right output, as compared with the Mathematica produced graphs. Can not understand what is the problem with the model. Some species are ending up at negative concentrations. Perhaps some extra constraints somehow implicit in the Mathematica code need to be added to the CellML.

Work remaining to do:

Have given the CellML and the Mathematica code to Randall to see if he might be able to spot something that is wrong with it. I am beginning to suspect that it is something to do with PCEnv.

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