
Passive Material Properties of Intact Ventricular Myocardium Determined From a Cylindrical Model - Guccione, McCulloch and Waldman - 1991

Original Model Status

Model curated, but did not run in PCEnv simulator.

Work done on model:

Initially, under the 'Mechanical Constitutive Laws' section of the CellML repository, the Guccione 1991 citation had 5 subversions. After clarification from Martyn Nash, it was found that version 1 of the Guccione citation was the actual file that corresponded to the Guccione et. al. publication titled 'Passive Material Properties of Intact Ventricular Myocardium Determined from a Cylindrical Model'.

I rewrote the documentation for models 1,2,4 and 5 under the old Guccione citation, and also put them under their own citations corresponding to which publication they drew ideas or concepts from. We also had a brief chat with Vijay Rajagopal, who had written up the original documentation for the Guccione 1991 model, and he clarified that Holger Schmid and Espin Remme would have been the others who had written up the other 'versions' under the Guccione 1991 citation. He also said that to his knowledge all the models under the mechanical constitutive laws section should be working, as they were written for use in CMISS when people needed to utilise them in their own work, so hence they should work. He also clarified that there are no 'alternate' versions of the models circulating around the ABI.

Curation status:

Model does not run in PCEnv simulator, but does run in CMISS, and is in working condition.

Further work required:

Curate the model to an extent where it may one day run in PCEnv, this is dependant on when PCEnv will be able to integrate matrix functionality. Perhaps include some diagrams in the documentation as the documentation (although written to not be too technical) may still be confusing for people who are unfamiliar with this topic or field of study.

Added by:Vignesh Kumar