
Original Model Status:

Coded in reaction elements. PCEnv couldn't run.

Work done on model:

Andrew's script got the model to load in PCEnv, but it wouldn't integrate. Looked at this model for recoding quite extensively, but model looks v. difficult. Not many parameters are provided and there are extra equations that are for parameter refinement. Unsure how to run models iteratively using CellML/PCEnv. Unsure how to do this even if CellML or PCEnv could do it.

Curation Status:

Not curated. Suggest deletion...

Further work required:

Awaiting contact from author.

Email sent:

Dear Dr George,

My name is James Lawson, I am a research technician in the CellML group at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. We are developing an XML based language called CellML which is designed as a standard to facilitate creation and sharing of mathematical models of, but not limited to, cell biology and physiology. CellML is similar to SBML but its scope extends beyond biochemical and genetic networks. If you are interested in finding out more about CellML, please visit our website,

I am the curator of the repository of models we have coded into CellML so far, which includes about 260 models. The reason for my correspondence with you is that the model you and your colleague Peter Condorelli described in the paper "In Vivo Control of Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Activation by Nitric Oxide:,A Kinetic Analysis" is one of the models we have coded up into CellML. I hope you approve of our efforts in translating your work into CellML. Although at present the model is not in a working state, it is my job to fix it.

If could send me the original source code for the model, that could really help me to rebuild the model in CellML.

I'm primarily a biologist, not a mathematician, so if you could give me any tips on how the model should be built, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks very much.

Kind regards, James Lawson

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