
Original Status:

Model used reaction elements. PCEnv Error: model underconstrained

Work done on model:

In process of rebuilding model (as of 25/07/07) to remove reaction elements | Issues with nondimensionalization of variables, Randall is having a look at this model so hopefully he will be able to help me rebuild it.

Current curation status:

Not curated. Current model does not run.

Further work required:

Finish rebuilding model. Shouldn't be a problem once nondimensionalization issue is sorted out.

04/03/08 - Used MATLAB code from DOQCS database (generated from kkit model by conv_matlab) to attempt to build a simplified version of this model (without all the confusing non-dimensionalization.)

Made assumption that in the mass of equations in the MATLAB code, each line corresponded to the differential equation describing the []/time for each species (and there are this number of equations.)

The model ended up, however, overconstrained.

This model is probably tractable to get working in CellML but though a significant amount of time and energy has been spent on it, success has not been achieved.

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