ABI CellML Meeting Minutes, 17th August, 2011

Present: Tommy Yu, Dougal Cowan, Michael Cooling, Andrew Miller, Randall Britten, Caton Little, David "Andre" Nickerson

Last week's action items

Action item 1: Randall and Tommy to organise public staging of PMR2.

  • Some progress has been made towards staging 0.4.

This week's agenda

1) Voting system and time-frame for CellML editorial board elections - discussion


  • Randall: we could perhaps let the nominees decide on the voting system and time-frame.
  • Michael: is there any guidance from COMBINE requirements on these details?

Action item 1: Dougal - email the list of nominees proposing that the voting system and time-frame be chosen by discussion amongst the list. Include option(s) for system.

2) CellML API - update


  • Andrew: trying to improve documentation - some put up on cellml.org, but mostly in the doxygen. Python code improved, now builds from CMake. The issue with array offsets has been fixed. Make install fixed. Fixed the IDL file maths exceptions. Some work on the SED-ML running service.
  • Randall: Lucian reported a segfault in TeLICeMS on 32bit Redhat Linux.
  • There was a discussion about Lucian's problem.
  • Tommy: this issue might affect us as our ITS hosting is on Redhat Enterprise Linux.

Action item 2: Andrew - get more information from Lucian about his platform and the issue.


  • Andrew: do we want to make a Debian package of the API?
  • Randall & Tommy: this would be a good idea.
  • There was a discussion about the amount of effort required and usefulness of a Debian package.
  • Randall: ask about this on the mailing list and make a tracker item.
  • Randall: what is the status of the TeLICeMS unary minus issue?
  • There was an extensive discussion about possible solutions to the minus problem, MathML vs. TeLICeM, and other problems.

Action item 3: Andrew - change "minus" to"-" in TeLICeM.

3) CellML core specs - update


  • Andrew: made some progress on the paper, mentioned SBML draft for uncertain parameters.


  • Andre: will talk about CellML current status and future plans at COMBINE. Will present information provided.

4) Repository contributions - update



  • Andrew: The SIAM journal seems to allow us to put a published paper up on an institutional website.
  • Andre: check that this allows public access.

5) PMR2 development - update


  • Tommy: Finished authentication side of OAuth plugin, now need to work on mapping to user etc. Made package to stage PMR2 0.4, which should be staged tomorrow or Friday on Amazon.