Meeting Minutes 27th November 2006

Meeting Minutes 27th November 2006
Present: Sarala Dissanayake, Alan Garny, Jonna Terkildsen, Matt Halstead, Shane Blackett, Peter Hunter, Andrew Miller

Matt hasn't got around to writing the model curation document yet. There was consensus that it should be moved off the agenda for the next two weeks. It is now deferred until Andre is here (8th December). Peter noted that Tommy will also be back soon, and can give some input into this.

Matt is keen for the tracker situation to be tidied up. He has set up a development server (and will soon show Gareth how to maintain it). This will enable us to test Poi so we can decide whether it is suitable for use in the institute.

The consensus was that items on the current development page should get shifted into done when complete, and only removed from the page at the next meeting.

There was agreement that we should have a "Downloads" link on the CellML site, to provide a link to downloads. Matt has been making changes like this to the skin through the web interface to Plone site, but the consensus was that such changes should be tested, committed to the Subversion repository for the skins, and updated on the filesystem. It was agreed that Gareth was the best person to make such changes.

Andrew has fixed a crashing bug in the CellML API reported by Andre. Other than that issue, there are no problems with the CellML API 1.0 / XPCellML_API 1.0 / XPCORBA 0.1 / PCEnv 0.1 branches. It was decided that Andrew should put out the new release candidates for CellML API and PCEnv, and then we can see if there are any more serious issues before next Monday.

Andrew has now got the generation of the editable mathematics working, but still needs to finish the parser. There was discussion about what we can do to make the equations more succinct (because the units annotations make the equations harder to read). One possibility would be to somehow try to keep a parallel data-structure to store the bracketted information, or some sort of special tree control. This creates a lot of other usability issues. It was agreed that we should plan to leave the information in for 0.2, but look at options for 0.3.