Meeting Minutes 19th June 2006

Meeting Minutes 19th June 2006
Present: Sarala Dissanayake, Matt Halstead, Poul Nielsen, Dong Zhang, Shane Blackett, Andrew Miller

Andrew: Asked whether we should make the CellML MIME types specification an informational standard. The consensus was that it should be, as there was little other option.

Andrew: Has finished the CCGS web interface, allowing CellML models to be uploaded and code to be downloaded.  Asked where we should host the CORBA-based services (CCGS and CellML Context) it requires.
Consensus was that they should be hosted on the web server, and that the IT group should decide the requirements of how it will run. Andrew will follow up with Gareth/Andrew Cantell to see how implementation is going.
Andrew: Asked what the CCGS should do with imports into CellML 1.1 models. One option would be to require separate upload of all models. Poul was concerned that users shouldn't have to upload repository models every time, but allowing file:/// URLs to be accessed could also be a problem. Consensus was that we would restrict the protocols we support, but still try to access everything requested.
Matt: Was concerned about the limitations on exception handling. There was extensive discussion of the problems, which took up most of the meeting, but little progress in terms of technical solutions.