Meeting Minutes 25 August 2005

Meeting Present: Poul Neilsen, Carey Stevens, Peter Hunter, Andrew Millar, David Nickerson, Sarala Dissanayake, Matt Halstead

General: Andre has been speaking to Alan. Apparently some of Andre's models include mathml that is outside the subset specified by cellml. Ties in with Poul's work to include Typing. Poul to see if he can come up with a proposal.

Peter H: Becoming involved in EuroPhysiome Project.

Andrew: Implemented most of the MathML DOM, going well. CellML api next.
             Looked at cmgui windowing bug some more, have work around.

Sarala: nothing to report

Matt: Looking at representing some of our models in Biopax.

Poul: Working on Typing problem.