Meeting Minutes 11 August 2005

Meeting Present: Poul Neilsen, Carey Stevens, Peter Villager, Peter Hunter, Sarala Dissanayake, Matt Halstead, Andrew Millar, David Nickerson, Mike Cooling, Shane Blackett

Peter Hunter: A group, CVIT, at Harvard doing cancer modelling are looking at using cellml. Put them in touch with Andre.

                    Met Chris Saunders in New York. He is also keen to establish stronger links with our group. Matt will meet them in Japan later.

                    Penny Noble in Oxford is marking up models, primarly using Alan Garny's COR. Has come up with a list of tests that a cell model would have to pass for electrophysiology.

Mike: nothing to report.

Andrew: Much technical discussion on how to load models in the API. The topics presented on the mailing list. Resolved to Andrew, Matt and Shanes satisfaction.

Matt: nothing to report.

Peter V: Still looking at matlab to cellml. Have some svg diagrams to put on the site. Will work with carey to do that.

Shane: Been to Sigraph. Had a fieldml meeting, started a wiki.

Carey: Working on cellml transformations for the new repository. Added link management software to new site - many links to fix.

Andre: Working with jsim developer on cellml models and units.