Meeting Minutes 31 May 2005

Meeting Present: Poul Nielsen, Shane Blackett, Carey Stevens, Andrew Miller, David Nickerson, Steven Niederer, Matt Halstead, Mike Cooling


Steven:  Tried to  make a model in cellml, but couldn't figure out how to do time varying boundary conditions.
               Andre: you could make a piecewise function
               Steven: no good for high resolution
              Andrew: long term solution is FieldML
              Poul: summarises options: piecewise function, or use that method to create higher order representations.
                        Not having arrays as a construct in cellml is a problem we need to resolve. FielML is the long term answer.
                        Some discussion on what priorty should be given to arrays and FieldML.
              Andre might help out by providing a template....suggested look at mathml spec for piecewise functions.

              Steven: How about state variables?
                           answer: Models are described in terms of differentials in continious time, there is no discrete time represention.
                                        Arrays could be useful here too.

Andrew: mozCellML much closer possibly less than a week if everything works well.
               much discussion of the technical approaches being taken.......

Mike: nothing

Shane: nothing

Carey: nothing

Andrew: getting ready to accept stuff from journals to put on the web

Matt: Bill says another 2-3 dyas to complete fixes to the editor. Math editor working on OSX is a bit further off.
           Sarala, a new PhD student is starting to look at graphical model representation.
           Debugging cellml CMF type being debugged at the moment.

Poul: Looking at FieldML. Putting some notes together for an overall specification.
         Have written a job description for a 20hr/week java developer.