mozCellML 0.3rc2 (Jan 25, 2006)

This release updates 0.3rc1, fixing a number of bugs and adding some new features.

For additional information about this project, please visit the overview page .

Available downloads

mozCellML source

For all platforms (2.8 MB)

mozCellML XPI for Win32

For Windows (8.5 MB)

Release Notes

Tested with Firefox 1.5
State Final release
License MPL
Release Manager Andrew Miller
Released 2006/01/25 00:00:00 GMT+13

*) A bug in cmgui_corba_bridge that caused instability has been fixed.

*) There have been significant changes to the integrator generation code, so that variables no longer need to be expressed as the subject of the equation, and can instead be solved for by Newton-Raphson.

*) Values which only need to be computed once are no longer computed at every integration step.

*) initial_value="variable" now works where variable is computed from other variables.

*) Layout issues on Win32 have been resolved. Rounding issues at points near the boundary have been corrected.