mozCellML 0.3 (Mar 21, 2006)

mozCellML 0.3rc3 with minor changes released as a stable release

For additional information about this project, please visit the overview page .

Available downloads

mozCellML XPI for Win32

For Windows (8.6 MB)

mozCellML source

For all platforms (4.3 MB)

Release Notes

Tested with Firefox 1.5, Firefox
State Final release
License MPL
Release Manager Andrew Miller
Released 2006/03/21 00:00:00 GMT+12

This release is the same as 0.3rc3 except for a few minor changes, but has been re-released to indicate that it is a stable release.

Change log

1) Change version numbers =&gt; now stable release 0.3.<br />2) Added more error checking for integration parameters.<br />3) Added additional debug code for profiling the integrator.