Physiome Model Repository 2 0.2.2 (Feb 02, 2010)

Added in support for exposure notes, deprecated support for exposure documents.

For additional information about this project, please visit the overview page .

Available downloads

PMR2 Application Core

For all platforms

Release Notes

Tested with Plone 3.3
State Final release
License GPL
To install, please follow these instructions instead.

Change log

0.2.2 - Released (2010-02-02)

  • Finishing the document view generation step will no longer trigger a file download.
  • Added in opencell:externalurl rewriting, much like PCEnv as the specification states that the URL for an external file is a literal, so it cannot take advantage of the xml:base attribute for the normalization of URL to kick in.

0.2.1 - Released (2010-01-12)

  • Added missing function in ExposureFolder, now it will not block redirection of files that are in the workspace, and can now have documentation generated for it
  • Removed file existence check in Exposures, such that all URIs that do not exist in Plone are redirected to the source workspace
  • For Exposures, @@viewgen is renamed to @@docviewgen for consistency.
  • Expired state now is coloured red for all users

0.2 - Released (2009-12-21)

With the following changes:


  • Rewrote how Exposures are done. The pages have been made deprecated and replaced with Exposure Files, which are wrappers around the files that can be referenced by the exposure. The views are now annotations to those files.
  • Buildout includes other view specific for CellML (i.e. code generation and MathML).
  • Documentation can be generated. Ones currently builtin to PMR2 include HTML and reStructuredText. The buildout includes ones for CellML files.
  • Support for Mercurial subrepo for embedding workspaces within another.
  • Fixed pushing to workspaces that are marked private using PAS (Pluggable Authentication System).
  • Various UI refinements.


  • Document view generation no longer generates empty title and description if it's unknown.
  • HTML document view now generates title from head/title.
  • Files can also have a seprate source document like exposure root.
  • Fixed authentication issue for Mercurial v0.9.5


  • Shows the review state of an exposure to normal users by color coding them in the workspace changelog listing, and in the exposure views.


  • The pmr2 review state is now correctly reindexes all subobject of an exposure when its state changes.
  • Freshly created workspace will have its empty file list correctly rendered.


  • Allow the editing/rearrangement of views in ExposureFile
  • Documentation pages within an exposure can now reference files in embedded workspaces.