
CellML 1.1 Models.
Cooling et al. (2008) Modeling Biological Modularity with CellML
IET Systems Biology publication cellml code.
Cooling et al. (submitted) Hypertrophic Signals In Cardiac Myocytes: Sensitivity of NFAT Cycling to Cytosolic Calcium
Cellml code for a paper submission
Pandit-Hinch-Niederer Model
This folder contains Jonna Terkildsen's CellML description of the PHN model
Guyton Code
CellML1.1 and CellML1.0 code to simulate the Guyton 92 model (based on the program CMODSIM by Professor Montani). Please note, this code has not been validated, and contains systems of simultaneous algebraic equations and thus cannot be run in its entirety yet.
Faville et al. 2008
This folder contains the CellML models describing the bulk cytoplasm and also the pacemaker units. Please open the main faville_model_2008 in PCEnv to run the model.
Saucerman and Bers 2008
This folder contains the CellML models describing the Saucerman and Bers 2008 model. Please open the main saucerman_model_2008 in PCEnv to run the model.
Pasek et al. 2006
This folder contains the CellML models describing the Pasek et al. 2006 model. Please open the main pasek_model_2006 in PCEnv to run the model.