Agenda - Auckland CellML weekly team meeting - 20100825

  1. (Catherine) Tracker item 1703: e-notation and xml:base issues: Now we know how many models require fixing (quite a few - please see the attached PDF!), how are we going to approach this?  i.e. can this be an automated fix or are "we" (Hanne and I) going to have to go through these models by hand and fix them in a text editor?
  2. Repository contributions - update
  3. PMR2 development - update
  4. CellML core specs - update
    1. CellML 1.2
    2. ModML
  5. Metadata specifications (general, citations, graphing, simulation, other) - update
  6. CellML API - update
  7. OpenCell development
  8. Time permitting: Updates or additional items from volunteering attendees