Agenda - Auckland CellML weekly team meeting - 20100602

  1. (Catherine) Following up on the request for a simple metadata editor...  what are our options and how soon can I actually be using a tool (bearing in mind I am not a computer scientist and I want a nice and easy, intuitive tool to use)?
  2. (Catherine) PMR2 and metadata rendering: Unless a very strict method of metadata entry into a model is followed PMR2 will not display the metadata.  This includes incomplete data sets (for example when it expects a paper citation and there may not be one). This is going to potentially cause big problems with 1.1 libraries.  Taking Mike's current examples - a) the metadata sets may be "incomplete" and therefore they won't render, and b) if Mike has the metadata in a completely separate file to the model (which is perfectly acceptable) I haven't got a clue how the model should be annotated as PMR2 looks to annotate a CellML model file itself.
  3. (Catherine) Metadata specification - I believe if we have a clearer defined specification this would help Tommy to implement metadata rendering in PMR2 (Tommy please correct me if I am wrong).
  4. CellML core specs - update
    1. CellML 1.2
    2. ModML
  5. Metadata specifications (general, citations, graphing, simulation, other) - update
  6. OpenCell development
  7. CellML API - update
  8. Repository contributions - update
  9. PMR2 development - update
  10. (Andre) Model provenance manuscript
  11. Time permitting: Updates or additional items from volunteering attendees