CellML Viewer

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The CellML Viewer provides a framework for visualizing annotated biological and biophysical concepts covered in CellML models.

Project Description

CellML is an implementation-independent simulation modelling language which is mainly used for understanding the dynamics of complex biological processes. Even though the CellML model structure and mathematics provide a powerful method for describing the dynamics of biological processes, the language has limited support for capturing higher level biological information. The biological knowledge is implicit in the mathematics and structure of the model. The objective is to develop a framework for annotating and visualising biological and biophysical concepts covered in CellML models.

A solution has been developed that involves:

  • an ontology for storing CellML models in OWL format (CellMLOWL) and a set of rules for binding these CellMLOWL instances to CellML models.
  • an ontology which represents biophysical and biological concepts that are covered in CellML models (CellMLBio) and a set of rules for binding these concepts to CellMLOWL models;
  • a specification for building visual templates that support a visual language that can be used to represent all biophysical and biological processes covered in CellMLBio ontology and the rules for binding the visual language to concepts within the CellMLBio ontology;
  • a visual editing tool, that combines the visual language and ontologies to visualize CellML models.

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Current Release

No stable release available yet.

All Releases

Version Released Description Compatibility Licenses Status
1.0rc2 New CellMLBiophysical/OWL class structure More about this release… TRI pre-release
1.0rc1 Support for visualizing an annotated CellML model. More about this release… TRI pre-release