ABI CellML meeting minutes 2010-03-03

Present: Tommy Yu, Dougal Cowan, Alan Garny, David "Andre" Nickerson, Andrew Miller, Randall Britten

Apologies: Catherine Lloyd, Justin Marsh, Mike Cooling, Peter Hunter, Poul Nielsen

Last week's action items:

1) Tommy will look at the tracker item to see if any the reasons that we did not run a script over the whole repository earlier still apply.

  • Done. This script can be run at PMR2 0.3 release time.
  • Tommy mentioned that some models in the repository have been branched; people have forced a push that created 2 heads.
  • There was extensive discussion about the best way to fix this problem, and to prevent it occurring in the future.
  • A policy could be set that disallows pushes that create multiple heads. This was discussed at length.
  • It was decided that documentation for PMR2 should be updated with a minimum amount of Mercurial usage information on all platforms. Multiple head creation should be mentioned. In addition, Tommy agreed to look into how a Mercurial hook could be used to prevent multiple heads to be pushed, and circulate this for people to try locally.

Action item 1) Tommy to investigate and circulate a solution to prevent multiple heads in Hg.

2) Ethan to push his remaining models, even if they don't work, and notify Catherine of which ones need fixing.

  • Thought to have been done.

3) Catherine to test out Evo with Dagmar to see how well it works from the US to NZ

  • Done, and used extensively at the workshop.

1) PMR2 development - update

  • Tommy has made a change that means pushing to a workspace updates the Plone object, which makes a latest changes RSS feed possible.
  • Tommy has added coloured syntax highlighting to the source view.
  • Tommy has helped Mike out with some embedded workspace work.
  • Randall mentioned that FieldML (possibly a mockup of FieldML) support is a priority for PMR2 0.3.
  • FieldML support will require views, ideally selected via entry URL as well as other methods, that allow filtering of the repository view by model type etc.

Action item 2) Dougal to check the browser usage for non-auckland visitors to PMR2.

2) Repository contributions - update

  • Andre reported that Catherine got her latest models working.

3) CellML core specs - update

  • Andrew reported that ModML core can now be used to create models. Decisions now need to be made as to how units will be handled.
  • There was a discussion about units checking, run-time vs compile-time.

4) Metadata specifications (general, citations, graphing, simulation, other)

  • Randall mentioned that there was some discussion of the meta-data specs at the workshop last week.

5) OpenCell development - update, CellML API

  • Randall reported that Justin will be away for some time - if he is unable to return after a week, we will have to go ahead with the OpenCell 0.7 release procedure in his absence.
  • Andrew has been working on the NSIS build system installer. There was some discussion about what this should support and how it works.
  • There was a discussion about the requests from the Saint developers; Andrew said that it sounds like we need to document a method for annotating parts of models against databases to make progress on this.
  • There was a discussion about annotation.
  • Alan is looking at QT to develop a mockup of what the interface for OpenCell could look like on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Alan has found a range of components and libraries for QT which will be very useful.
  • Randall said that Alan should look at using PyQT for UI programming.
  • There was a discussion of language selection for future OpenCell development.